Valentine's day... otherwise known as my bloody valentine's... surgery is on that day! I will lose 1/3 pancreas, spleen, some lymphs, and gall bladder. They will also check my liver cysts...mmmm tasty.
If you want to visit - message me and I will give you deets... in for 5-10 days. Could use some company... especially female. Just for when vegemite's not around! LOL
If you want to visit - message me and I will give you deets... in for 5-10 days. Could use some company... especially female. Just for when vegemite's not around! LOL

You look like a fighter so I am sure you will kick her arse, anyway I will say a prayer for you mate on valentines day and send some positive energy your way and I mean prayer not from a religious point of view as in asking a god for a favour but from a meta-physical view point. I believe fully in the power of the human brain and it's energy, I also feel that we as humans can harness that energy and focus it in a very real and tangible way and use it either positively or negatively, I mean who has not felt the positive buzz or vibe of a large happy crowd either at a sports game or concert and come away feeling charged, well I believe there is more too that then just a warm fuzzy, there is real power there. Seek it out and surround yourself with that power, have it focused on you. In fact we will throw parties for all sorts of reasons all so we can feel good about ourselves, so why not get your mates together and have a healing party, you know like get a bunch of your best mates in a room all having a great time and focusing there energy on getting you well, at the very least you will have a great time and you never know it may just..........