1 week and here is the positive side.... but before you read on - go wish the lovely vegemite a happy birthday!!! She is the best!
Here goes:
10) in spite of the broken ankle - I earned a purple belt in TaeKwonDo with two double belt ceremonies! With vegemite!
9) From leaving this job, I learned humility... I will never look a gift horse in the mouth again
8) if I hadn't taken the job that made me redundant, I would have never met my beautiful wife vegemite
7) I took my clients, and my friends with me
6) I've made so many great friends, that 1 lost for every 10 friends gained is an ok trade
5) after hurting my back, I changed my style of eating, and became a more well rounded athlete
4) having my thyroid removed helped me understand I can't stay young forever
3) The cancer thing was the start in becoming vegan, which is healthier and happier
2) my ex-wife and I are now like brother and sister... and we love each other dearly as such. One of my best friends for sure.
1) even after separating from the lovely vegemite, we found our way back to each other... adopted more bunnies, and the wonderful spikers...
This all tells me one thing... it all happens for a reason. My life in these first 40 years, while difficult and painful at times, was what made me who and what I am. I don't regret it at all really.
Here goes:
10) in spite of the broken ankle - I earned a purple belt in TaeKwonDo with two double belt ceremonies! With vegemite!
9) From leaving this job, I learned humility... I will never look a gift horse in the mouth again
8) if I hadn't taken the job that made me redundant, I would have never met my beautiful wife vegemite
7) I took my clients, and my friends with me
6) I've made so many great friends, that 1 lost for every 10 friends gained is an ok trade
5) after hurting my back, I changed my style of eating, and became a more well rounded athlete
4) having my thyroid removed helped me understand I can't stay young forever
3) The cancer thing was the start in becoming vegan, which is healthier and happier
2) my ex-wife and I are now like brother and sister... and we love each other dearly as such. One of my best friends for sure.
1) even after separating from the lovely vegemite, we found our way back to each other... adopted more bunnies, and the wonderful spikers...
This all tells me one thing... it all happens for a reason. My life in these first 40 years, while difficult and painful at times, was what made me who and what I am. I don't regret it at all really.