Monday past couple of days...
Thursday packing for the trip....ugh.
Friday we're off a quick flight down to VA with vegemite and Spike (who works his charms on the southern girls) some family, have some food... pass out.
Sat... off to DC where we look at lots of tourist stuff... Spike has a blast in the park, and vegemite actually knocks on the door for the Department of Justice... no answer, but no surprise, justice hasn't been around for at least 4 years... too many schedule changes to meet with mnislahi but there's always next time... then it's off to the army base (and the GPS got it wrong a bit) to see my fav cousin get married... it was beautiful...vegemite dances all night, I do the slow stuff (and one fast dance, can't give the family too much to talk about) then we're back to the hotel to walk spike and meet the family (including the bride and groom) for drinks and chatter till 2!
This am... up at 6:45 (OMG) walk the dog, see the family, and then at the airport to fly back alone with spike, while vegemite flies to Cali for a conference...
I don't sleep well alone.
Thursday packing for the trip....ugh.
Friday we're off a quick flight down to VA with vegemite and Spike (who works his charms on the southern girls) some family, have some food... pass out.
Sat... off to DC where we look at lots of tourist stuff... Spike has a blast in the park, and vegemite actually knocks on the door for the Department of Justice... no answer, but no surprise, justice hasn't been around for at least 4 years... too many schedule changes to meet with mnislahi but there's always next time... then it's off to the army base (and the GPS got it wrong a bit) to see my fav cousin get married... it was beautiful...vegemite dances all night, I do the slow stuff (and one fast dance, can't give the family too much to talk about) then we're back to the hotel to walk spike and meet the family (including the bride and groom) for drinks and chatter till 2!
This am... up at 6:45 (OMG) walk the dog, see the family, and then at the airport to fly back alone with spike, while vegemite flies to Cali for a conference...

I don't sleep well alone.


don't you sleep with like... 367 animals??