Sat morning
Ok Last three days have been such a blur - between working to get my one client ready to show investors in 4 weeks (and him making the WS Journal)... and my other client getting ready for Vegas... well I barely had time for anything...
Wednesday - got my servers ready in the new space, boys came back from packing everything in WV up...vegemite got her slutty cowgirl tops - so hot, I might take pics, if they stay on long enough... not that she might get naked...
Thursday - she picked up the costumes, I got my awesome Indian necklace (and it was made by tribe members - which come to think of it, could be relatives!) and I will post some pics... work was great, but so tiring... gym was painful, I guess 12 days in a row are not good for you... odette's laptop looks pretty bad (but we'll make some magic happen)
Friday - went and picked up a video iPod (thanks to VeganJihad - you rock, and found out they have a repair center there!!! YAY!!! Hope for the destroyed laptop!)
Had an interesting conversation with my client re: choice of hotel... client "you want to stay at the Venetian?"
me "yes, staying with my brother, besides, I decided to come instead of sending someone, unless you rather have them...?"
client "well let me think about it"
me "ok let me know by monday, so I can change anything(like person going)"
Got an email 40 minutes later - Venetian approved. YAY!!!
Took the night off from the gym, and slept fitfully.... never watch Exorcist at 3 am... especially after watching ghost show just before passing out... way too much shit in your head...
Sat morning... ok off to the gym (so vegemite can steal this laptop and check out naked girls...)
write more later!!!
Ok Last three days have been such a blur - between working to get my one client ready to show investors in 4 weeks (and him making the WS Journal)... and my other client getting ready for Vegas... well I barely had time for anything...
Wednesday - got my servers ready in the new space, boys came back from packing everything in WV up...vegemite got her slutty cowgirl tops - so hot, I might take pics, if they stay on long enough... not that she might get naked...

Thursday - she picked up the costumes, I got my awesome Indian necklace (and it was made by tribe members - which come to think of it, could be relatives!) and I will post some pics... work was great, but so tiring... gym was painful, I guess 12 days in a row are not good for you... odette's laptop looks pretty bad (but we'll make some magic happen)
Friday - went and picked up a video iPod (thanks to VeganJihad - you rock, and found out they have a repair center there!!! YAY!!! Hope for the destroyed laptop!)
Had an interesting conversation with my client re: choice of hotel... client "you want to stay at the Venetian?"
me "yes, staying with my brother, besides, I decided to come instead of sending someone, unless you rather have them...?"
client "well let me think about it"
me "ok let me know by monday, so I can change anything(like person going)"
Got an email 40 minutes later - Venetian approved. YAY!!!
Took the night off from the gym, and slept fitfully.... never watch Exorcist at 3 am... especially after watching ghost show just before passing out... way too much shit in your head...
Sat morning... ok off to the gym (so vegemite can steal this laptop and check out naked girls...)
write more later!!!
I dont know, the exorcist never scared me, it was just too silly or something