Sunday morning...
So friday was nice - vegemite got her sexy cowgirl outfit (yes my dear, only very bad girls wear chaps without clothes underneath) and I get to go as an indian! Which my family is very familiar with - my great grandfather was an american indian (or native american for you pc fuckers, I don't say it like that
!). I can't wait to go to our party! Work was busy... left a little later, all about making money (actually enjoy what I do, plus we're shorthanded Monday) then off to the gym, worked out like a fiend (this med for the nerve damage is making me grow larger)... then off to brother's to hang while he recuperates from his sinus surgery (lucky bastard got the new version of the surgery - two stents and mini tampons, instead of six feet like me) but for some reason he's less pain tolerant, and is still on oxycodone (which he eats like candy - ugh, I can't stand pain killers!) watched Donnie Brasco, feel asleep, and played with his dog (big American Bulldog, made me miss spikers!)
Sat... went to the gym (193 lbs and counting... very weird) then watched my DVR'ed shows of the week went shopping (I am such a shopoholic!) and spent the night with close friends, vegemite and we watched the Warriors (the new director's version, which I didn't like as much as the original movie version), but was fun anyway...
Sun morning and afternoon...
Great workout... then like an ass - I pull out the three ACs and bring them to the attic - and after a leg lifting/elliptical double session, it was hard... and those fuckers are heavy... then cleaning for half the bunnies (4 cages), then a nap while watching Superman with Spike (vegemite went food shopping - YAY! Love food) A quick trimming session in the shower (love shaved testes - on myself!) and some snacks... I'm ready to go!
Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend... and did anyone notice - we're at TD Alpha - we beat the record for most storms... global warming? Nah...
So friday was nice - vegemite got her sexy cowgirl outfit (yes my dear, only very bad girls wear chaps without clothes underneath) and I get to go as an indian! Which my family is very familiar with - my great grandfather was an american indian (or native american for you pc fuckers, I don't say it like that

Sat... went to the gym (193 lbs and counting... very weird) then watched my DVR'ed shows of the week went shopping (I am such a shopoholic!) and spent the night with close friends, vegemite and we watched the Warriors (the new director's version, which I didn't like as much as the original movie version), but was fun anyway...
Sun morning and afternoon...
Great workout... then like an ass - I pull out the three ACs and bring them to the attic - and after a leg lifting/elliptical double session, it was hard... and those fuckers are heavy... then cleaning for half the bunnies (4 cages), then a nap while watching Superman with Spike (vegemite went food shopping - YAY! Love food) A quick trimming session in the shower (love shaved testes - on myself!) and some snacks... I'm ready to go!
Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend... and did anyone notice - we're at TD Alpha - we beat the record for most storms... global warming? Nah...

of course!