Oh my God, I've turned pink!
You guys wouldn't believe how happy I am!
I'm here to tell my story as an SG, and how important this is to me!
I'm 28, mother of a 4yo girl. I've been dreaming about being an SG model since I was 18, and I didn't even have any tattoos yet, just colorful hair and a strong willing to have body modifications.
However, time went by, and I started to focus on other stuff, like work on other jobs and study other things, I only got 3 tattoos that time and had to keep my hair with regular colors. Motherhood was here, and it was a phase when I couldn't thing about myself, I was living to my daughter, I didn't dress up anymore, didn't feel pretty, I was tired and stressed out, depression and physical/mental exhaustion were taking over me.
Then I saw the Suicide Girls Instagram, and I felt compelled to try it again, but that dream looked so far away from me.
I didn't care and tried again.
Today I live this dream, my self steem as a woman was completely back when I dressed up to photoshoots. I was taking care of myself again, puting some make up, dressing up, loving me. Seeing how much people cared, the compliments, the pleasure of being here, feeling capable, and this sense of belonging to a community that is SGLand, everything is amazing, and today I thank ALL OF YOU because I HAVE TURNED PINK!
Thank you for making this dream come true.
Thank you @jacqueline for being an inspiration.
Thank each one of you that spent your time to make a compliment, I couldn't reply you all, but I've kept every word inside my heart.
@amra @babu love u thank u so much, my girls *-*
Thank you <3 @hilo @ellqvist
@sean @missy @rambo
Well deserved reward for your hard work and self sacrifice. The future is bright and i look forward to feasting my eyes on more of your beautiful sets 😍😍 xx
Congrats lady!