Just to conclude the tale of my amazingly awesome weekend, someone broke in to my car Saturday night/Sunday morning. The fuckers didn't even steal anything. Probably got spooked in the middle of it. So after $150 to replace the passenger side window, my awesome weekend haul of $560 has left me about $90 IN THE HOLE. You rock, Life. Fuck you, car thieves, YOU CANNOT KILL THE ROOSTER.
Positive note: I answered 852 test questions over the weekend for my certification, and only missed 94. That's about 89% correct. I take the first test on Wednesday, and I'm not even sweatin' it now.
Positive note: I answered 852 test questions over the weekend for my certification, and only missed 94. That's about 89% correct. I take the first test on Wednesday, and I'm not even sweatin' it now.
Congrats on the positive note.