frank miller is crazy and gross. I'm tempted to sell my copies of his stuff. Talented writers who get to big to be edited almost always start to suck. I'm sure he was always a creepy misogynist bigot, but there used to be sensible people who's job it was to cut that crap out.
p.s. Did you see The Spirit movie? I couldn't go...
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p.s. Did you see The Spirit movie? I couldn't go...
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i dreamed that a bunch of my high school friends played Warcraft, and we all got on each others friends list. Then I wrote a sequel to "American Pie." This was all during a post apocalyptic survival scenario, btw. I remembered the chorus all the way to the shower, which is usually where I wake up. Now it's gone...gone.
Right about the time I think I've got my shit together, my wife goes out of town and reality slaps me around ;P
here are some things that vacuous internet skanks have ruined for me forever: the duckface (which was never that good to begin with), biting the lower lip, playfully biting a fingernail or sucking their finger or just having their finger in their mouth, and for sure the slightly open mouth. You kind of look like a lobotomy patient now, all your missing is a string...
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Man, guess who's SICK TO DEATH of resumes? This guy, right here.
This is the first time since I moved to Dallas that the weather has gotten to me. So ready for September it's not even funny.
You could make the argument that I'm not being productive, I suppose. But, friend, you would be grossly underestimating the importance of having album art for every track in your music library.
I agree..very important. Priorities and all 

An amazing talent becomes a junkie and dies too soon. If that doesn't sadden you, you're doing it wrong. My FB is pretty evenly divided between "stupid junkie whore" and "omg so sad". Yes, people with exponentially fewer resources and support, they make it through and stay clean. Happens all the time. Those people also choke on their own vomit and die. Some people make...
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took a trip to my hometown and overheard a conversation about math that ended with, "If I can't do it on my fingers and toes, it's just communism." Oh yeah, THAT'S why I left.
Hrmm. I really DON'T like scary, so I might not be much help there. Let me think on it.