I feel like there has been soooo much going on in my life lately.
Its been back to back crazy since August.
I had my birthday party a week early in Aug so that my best friend could come.
She lives in Baltamore and I only get to see here like three times a year.
Jeff's parents came in the same week that I was getting ready for DragonCon.
So I had to juggle two double shifts, two regular shifts, half a day at work.
As well as make time to spend with them AND pack for DragonCon.
That was not the funnest week of my life to say the least. >_<
DragonCon was a blast! It was so fantastic just being able to experience it.
Getting to finally spend time with my Cousin and his husband was fantastic!
We even all got super drunk together! I had tequila for the first time hahah.
The week after DC I had work and a Framing Hanley concert.
Which was AUHFUCKINMAZING. They played a few new songs.
Lets just say I can NOT wait until the third album is done. I hope its soonish. At least before the end of the year. *Fingers Crossed*
That Next Tues I flew to Seattle, WA. Well It was two flights. I had a connect in Houston, TX.
That was a cool experience. It was my first time flying alone and having a connect. I guess thats what happens when you fly all the way to the other side of the country. lol.
Any who, I went to Seattle to see my other best friend. We had not seen each other since we were 17.
She joined the Navy and has been doing tours and such. So I went up to visit and to be there for her wedding.
It was so excited to see her so happy with her little family. Her little babbbbaiiee Is soooooo adorible.
It most certainly did not help my baby fever being up there for a week and being woken up by the cutiest little girl and playing with her all day. ajfalfjlwjerlk.
I also made their wedding cake! 100% From scratch. It was the first time I have ever made a homemade chocolate cake. Icing was homemade. Which I have made before. However, I have never had to make it by hand before. As in NO mixer. AND I forgot ALL of my decorating supplies in TN.
So I had to improvise and make my own. hahah. But the cake turned out wonderful. I guess I should go on and let you know I am a baking goddess
The wedding went off with out a hitch
Except for the part where when we first arrived where it was I completely busted my ass. fml. I fall... eveywhere.. I swear.. Its redicks.
That friday night we partied =) It was the first time Krista and I had ever had the chance to drink together so we took it! We even all went on an adventure to Taco Bell
Dont worry we had a DD.
Saw the movie Possesion while I was in Seattle. It was pretty good. I jumped at a few places here and there. I really hated the ending though
Seattle was so beautiful. I can not wait till I get the chance to vist again.
My flight back was so early in the morning. I had a connect in Denver this time. and then back to TN
Since I have been back I have worked. Seen Avengers in the $2 theater here. Tried and cheer up my best friend after her break up. Helped a friend paint their cabnets. Tonight is going planned to be a chill night. I dont want to do shit. But I have to.. like house things...clothes and such. Ugh being a grown up sucks a lot sometimes.
Saturday I am seeing Avengers again... (Its my third time) and going to two Haunted Houses here in TN. Monster Mountain and The Slaughter house. I love MM. And we are going to the Slaughter House because its only $10 in sept!
I still have so much stuff happening in Oct as well....
I need to decorate for Halloween and for the Party I am throwing. Make all the themed foods. There are like 5 other Haunted houses I want to go to. Including the Haunted Caverns in Chattanogga and Netherworld in ATL. (its one of the top 10 in the nation.
) One year I will go to the Dent School House in Ohio... One year! I hear its really Haunted.
I am hoping that I will still get to road trip up to my best friend and go to New York City. I have never been and want to go bad.
Well I am going to leave this at that note. And go rearrange my store
Blog later
Its been back to back crazy since August.
I had my birthday party a week early in Aug so that my best friend could come.
She lives in Baltamore and I only get to see here like three times a year.
Jeff's parents came in the same week that I was getting ready for DragonCon.
So I had to juggle two double shifts, two regular shifts, half a day at work.
As well as make time to spend with them AND pack for DragonCon.
That was not the funnest week of my life to say the least. >_<
DragonCon was a blast! It was so fantastic just being able to experience it.
Getting to finally spend time with my Cousin and his husband was fantastic!
We even all got super drunk together! I had tequila for the first time hahah.
The week after DC I had work and a Framing Hanley concert.
Which was AUHFUCKINMAZING. They played a few new songs.
Lets just say I can NOT wait until the third album is done. I hope its soonish. At least before the end of the year. *Fingers Crossed*
That Next Tues I flew to Seattle, WA. Well It was two flights. I had a connect in Houston, TX.
That was a cool experience. It was my first time flying alone and having a connect. I guess thats what happens when you fly all the way to the other side of the country. lol.
Any who, I went to Seattle to see my other best friend. We had not seen each other since we were 17.
She joined the Navy and has been doing tours and such. So I went up to visit and to be there for her wedding.
It was so excited to see her so happy with her little family. Her little babbbbaiiee Is soooooo adorible.
It most certainly did not help my baby fever being up there for a week and being woken up by the cutiest little girl and playing with her all day. ajfalfjlwjerlk.
I also made their wedding cake! 100% From scratch. It was the first time I have ever made a homemade chocolate cake. Icing was homemade. Which I have made before. However, I have never had to make it by hand before. As in NO mixer. AND I forgot ALL of my decorating supplies in TN.

The wedding went off with out a hitch

That friday night we partied =) It was the first time Krista and I had ever had the chance to drink together so we took it! We even all went on an adventure to Taco Bell

Saw the movie Possesion while I was in Seattle. It was pretty good. I jumped at a few places here and there. I really hated the ending though

My flight back was so early in the morning. I had a connect in Denver this time. and then back to TN

Since I have been back I have worked. Seen Avengers in the $2 theater here. Tried and cheer up my best friend after her break up. Helped a friend paint their cabnets. Tonight is going planned to be a chill night. I dont want to do shit. But I have to.. like house things...clothes and such. Ugh being a grown up sucks a lot sometimes.
Saturday I am seeing Avengers again... (Its my third time) and going to two Haunted Houses here in TN. Monster Mountain and The Slaughter house. I love MM. And we are going to the Slaughter House because its only $10 in sept!
I still have so much stuff happening in Oct as well....
I need to decorate for Halloween and for the Party I am throwing. Make all the themed foods. There are like 5 other Haunted houses I want to go to. Including the Haunted Caverns in Chattanogga and Netherworld in ATL. (its one of the top 10 in the nation.

I am hoping that I will still get to road trip up to my best friend and go to New York City. I have never been and want to go bad.
Well I am going to leave this at that note. And go rearrange my store

Blog later

Haunted houses are always a blast! I am always the super scared one in the group.
thanks! =)