So my life has been crazy the last few weeks. Three weeks ago I got a call from one of my banks. Letting me know my debit card was being used for obnoxiously expensive items. I cancelled my card and filled a police report and all that jazz. Well I had a feeling it was my crack head mom who did it but didn't tell the cops that because it's a felony offense and I just couldn't do that to my mom. Well the followong Friday I opened another account with a convenient bank around my home town and was waiting to receive myy debit card in the mail and after 4 days with no card I go to the bank to talk to a banker to find out my card had already been acitivated my account had been cleaned out and overdrafted a buncch. My mom got to my card before I ever even new I had it. This time I had to press charges on my mother. It was really hard but I'm just getting tired of her stealing from me when I bust my ass for my money. So about a week ago now she got picked up by bounty hunters for skipping a court date and now she's gonna be charged with stealing my mail, debit card, and my identity. Hopefully being in jail for a while will finally straighten her out. She used to be such a great person and mother. I miss my old mom a lot. I looked up to her so much which makes this whole experience harder. But through it all my girlfriend never left my side and suppoerted me. I'm a very lucky guy to have her in my life. Sorry I haven't been on much just wanted to explain what's been going on. Hope all is well everyone! Xoxoxo, Adam.
wow that is pretty messed up. hope things get better for you
wow that sucks. that's a lot to deal with. it's sad it was your own mother, but i hope you got all your money sorted out.