Upon a downy pillow top I slowly close my weary eyes.
A handsome aura enters in and whispers gentle lullabies.
Inspired romance invading sleep; my spirit leaves its dream behind
And journeys through emotion's realm; a lovers' pact to be defined.
Enclosed inside seduction's room, exquisite candles light the night.
A golden bed awaits our heat; entrancing music leads our flight.
Her velvet kisses spark a fire, augmented far beyond restrain.
Our hands caress, a touch that's missed; it satisfies our thirst like fine champagne.
Desires are painted, thrills are etched; exposure rules this teasing game.
As streams of pleasure warmly flow, we're lost in rapture's bluest flame.
Composure flees as lust explodes and ecstasy's attainment's planned.
We've set our minds to break the mold; dramatic thrusts have sole command.
Propelling deeper midst the dark, constrictions grip with longing force,
Releasing waters from the dam, completing satisfaction's course.
With admiration in excess, this partnership becomes benign
And adoration takes the stage, our knitted essence deemed divine.
A handsome aura enters in and whispers gentle lullabies.
Inspired romance invading sleep; my spirit leaves its dream behind
And journeys through emotion's realm; a lovers' pact to be defined.
Enclosed inside seduction's room, exquisite candles light the night.
A golden bed awaits our heat; entrancing music leads our flight.
Her velvet kisses spark a fire, augmented far beyond restrain.
Our hands caress, a touch that's missed; it satisfies our thirst like fine champagne.
Desires are painted, thrills are etched; exposure rules this teasing game.
As streams of pleasure warmly flow, we're lost in rapture's bluest flame.
Composure flees as lust explodes and ecstasy's attainment's planned.
We've set our minds to break the mold; dramatic thrusts have sole command.
Propelling deeper midst the dark, constrictions grip with longing force,
Releasing waters from the dam, completing satisfaction's course.
With admiration in excess, this partnership becomes benign
And adoration takes the stage, our knitted essence deemed divine.

Aww thanks (: its not that good I was just bored and started writing.