n-left behind-n-
completely spurned-n-
dragged behind
the pickup truck of life
-n-trod upon like
my former wife-n-
picked back up to
be knocked down-n-
had my name slandered
all over town-o-
what the hell am
I on about?
'Cos deep down inside
I'm just another lout...
But a CUTE lout...
n-left behind-n-
completely spurned-n-
dragged behind
the pickup truck of life
-n-trod upon like
my former wife-n-
picked back up to
be knocked down-n-
had my name slandered
all over town-o-
what the hell am
I on about?
'Cos deep down inside
I'm just another lout...
But a CUTE lout...
you are indeed cute. i don't know about the lout part, but the cute i can attest to.

I wish my journals were as cool as yours!!