This is going to be a ramble but fuck it, it is my blog.
I haven't drank hard in 3 3/4 months since I quit my job, I think the most I have drank was 3 beers and a shot of JD, I don't even really have the desire to drink anymore, even when the opportunity arises.
Yesterday I apparently didn't drink enough pop because today I feel like someone worked me over with a bat. I know it wasn't anything I did physically yesterday because all I did was lose terribly in a Magic The Gathering casual tournament.
The tourney was held in my basement and out of the 5 people in it I was the second most experienced, but still lost because my roommate was asked not to use his Rat deck that he has been playing and perfecting for 13 years since the other three playing in the tourney have been playing a combined 15 months. I digress, since he couldn't use his rat deck he built a new deck and got pissed when he was getting stomped so I had to let him use my good deck and I used my really shitty new deck.
When I say I lost bad I was 2-8, one of the others was 2-7, the other three were 6-2/6-2/6-3
Technically there was a 6th person at the tourney but he hasn't played MTG in 2 years and just wanted out of the house and away from his not girlfriend / girlfriend.
I haven't been sleeping worth two shits lately and I don't know why. I haven't changed my bed time drastically or anything.