Blog Entry Number:.....who knows.
I intended to write this everyday, that obviously failed. This whole stay at home dad thing is a lot more tiring then I expected. We have been having good and bad days, a lot of massive swings in mood from one day to the next (from the lil bit that is).
Today we reached a point that I have no clue what to do, I put her down for nap time, and when I go to get her up she is out of her crib an has half trashed our room, ruined a couple candles and our first anniversary glass (god knows how she got to that).
Now I know at 3 she is a bit old for a crib but she refuses to sleep unless she is in a place she has no choice. If we convert her crib into it's bed mode she won't stay in it, I know this. But I can't have her climbing out of her crib and hurting herself......I'm at a loss.