Day 10:
I have survived this far on my wits alone, I'm being hunted but I think the hunter is asleep for the night, I may have a chance to eat, clean myself and rest before she wakes up again and the vicious cycle begins anew.
Our day of survival began at 5:30Am when we had to take Mommy to work, once we got home everything was a blur until after nap time (for both of us). Then it was car time, this was my first time going multiple places (Store, Doc, ext) with the Princess, and without Mommy. I did learn that bribing a 3 year old makes life so much easier. Granted I now have to figure out how to make a real life living horse that can both fly, and swim under water.....maybe she will forget about that.
The few hours we spent in the car she was good, told me she loved me at least 80 times, and sang a lot. The time in and the tore and Doc's office to my surprise she was an angel, now let me be clear on something, Lia is not a 'bad' child. She is however extremely hyperactive, and will run, climb, run, and climb everywhere and it can at times be embarrassing, today was not one of those days.
After we did our running we went and picked Mommy up from work which was an adventure in sitting in the car for nearly an hour, once Mommy came out though I swear to god it was like the Beatles showed up she was so excited....Hmm does the Beatles reference fit? No, it was like Princess Sofia showed up...yeah that works.
When we got home I decided to take a nap while they went out to my Mom's house for a few hours, she had fun out there, got to play in the 75 degree weather and pouring rain. By the time they got home it was bed time and she was utterly bushed and went down really without an argument.