Day 2:
My daughter looks like something the 80's puked up this morning, yellow and pink polka dot rain boots, blue jeans, a neon rainbow tutu, a neon rainbow skeleton shirt, and like 5 pastel hair band thingies.
Thank god my saint of a wife takes the morning shift, Lia woke up at 6Am today and Amanda got up with her saving me from getting up an hour after falling asleep. I'm fine on days I know that she has to be gone early, I can at least go to bed an hour or two earlier, but a random day please wifey get up with her?
Today should be an easy day, Once I woke up we had to run Mommy to work and when we got home it was already nap time and Lia went down like a dream, yay Daddy gets to take a shower! Just two days in and I have realized what a luxury a shower is going to be.
After a couple hours of napping I decided to get Lia up, it was time to go to Grandma's house for Easter Egg coloring. Apparently this was not the best idea as she was a friggin zombie for the next two hours, like moaning, groaning, shambling frigging zombie, but the plus side was she a very suggestible zombie so everything was easy as pie.
On the drive to Grandma's I was remind why my daughter is so awesome, she prefers heavy metal to all other genres of music. The only exception to this is the music from Frozen, but I can't be angry about that because the music form that was written by a Lovecraftian Old One.....What? It is the only way to explain that shit being so catchy.
Our time at Grandma's was fun, we colored eggs, Daddy ate a handful of eggs that “cracked”, we had dinner. After diner I built Lia her first chair fort, and then I promptly fell asleep inside said fort for an hour or 3. Once Lia finally managed to wake me up the fort was gone and I was buried under toys. We got that mess cleaned up...sorta. Oh well Grandma can finish it.
When it finally came time to leave Lia played the same game she does at bed time and it took 20 minutes and like 6 different trips into the house before we could leave. By the time we got home she was out cold so it was an easy trip to bed........I fucked up with this, later when I checked on her she had wet the bed, so bath time and a note to self make her go potty right the fuck before bed from now on.
Quick aside before I end this for the night, never listen to music from the single both best and worse summer of your life at 1am, it's not a fun ride.