Ok before i get into why tonight was great, I need to thank @blu & @griffxx for their support or else I never would have had the strength for tonight.
I suffer from depression and Borderline Personality Disorder, while out to lunch today with a friend he mentioned they'd been having some trouble with his step son, and told me that the step son had recently be diagnosed with BPD. I explained my battle with it, and offered to come talk to his son and wife anytime they needed.
Shortly after I got home he called and asked if I could come over tonight, which I was happy to. When I got over there it was a tony bit weird because his step son is 12,but once I got past that initial weirdness I got into telling them my life experiences with BPD and I explained it all to them, and actually shed some tears a couple times while talking about some parts of my life (This is a major thing for me, only my wife has seen tears from me).
At one point I had to stop Mel (The mom) who was bickering with their son because i recognized in his voice that he was about to snap, i recognized my own voice coming from him, I shut his mom down cold and explained what was about to happen.
By the end of the night I belive talking with them did as much good for me as it did for them, and while their son may have gained some insite, both parents did, and that was my real goal, because honestly at this point I can't do much for the kid just due to hormones, but I can help the parents on how to deal with it.