Ok this is for @blu and everyone else who suffers from depression, and those who might suffer but don't realize it. You are not alone. Yes we all know that we are not, that we have people, if only people here on SG that we can talk to. But from experience when it gets the worst we feel alone, we feel lost.
Now first off please understand I am not saying everyone depressed is suicidal, but I know firsthand it can lead it that. if you are depressed, suicidal or not. Please, please talk to someone, I don't care who, your cat, your mom, yourself in the mirror. Talk, get everything out, don't think on it or brood on it. Say the words out loud, it helps, it really does.
If you feel you have no one in your life you can talk to get a hold of me, do you know me, hell no but typing everything down can help. i don't care if I don't know you I will be happy to talk to you any time I can.
Why did I bring up suicide? Because I was there as you all know, I came close and I never want to hear about people taking that step because they had no one to talk to.
It's a scary idea talking to someone you don't know, and have never talked to before but please do. I know that when I go to the dark place I do when depression hits that it is the first thing that comes to mind. I don't know why but it does, and it terrifies me. Now I have not been truly at that point in many many years but the thought still comes to mind.
Did I write all of this to help others? yes but I also wrote it to help myself, because putting this down where other people can read it helps me.
Good Nite, Sleep tight, and please talk to someone when you need to.