Nothing big and profound to say. Same shit different day.
Oh hell with it no moody vauge shit, i hate that crap even thought I have done it (alot) in the past.)
Life has been pretty good lately, ups and down but thats part of life ya know? been working a shit ton, between work, working with my landlord, and working on my photography, and ya know family and that stuff.
I did get to teach some drunks a lesson last night, and that lesson was that if you lay a hand on one of the female security guards at the resort I work at, I will fuck your fucking night the fuck up. I did try to explain to the soon to be groom that I wasn't security and I didn't have to follow their rules. Then he grabbed one of our guards and 10 minutes later the whole group went out in shiney new braceletts, and two went to the ER. Second lesson they learned last night? If a 6'4" 290 man is not backing down to your group of 9 guys, be smart and walk away. I may be over weight but I don't carry nearly as much excess fat as most people assume, oh and a (minimally) trained fighter beats a drunk 99 out of 100 times.
I've been listening to Halestorm nearly none stop for a week now. The lyrics remind me of a girl. Of course they do.