Ok SG world I need some help making a decision.
Next year (late Feb) the wife and I are going to take a trip somewhere, we just don't know where. So we are going to let you help us decide.
California [Whole State] - I have family in northern Cali and there would be some cool things to see.
Arizona [Can't remember the part] - I have friends out there and we could go out into the desert for a few nights to really see the stars
Miami - beaches need I say more?
Europe [UK/France] – Wife’s Family hails from Ireland way way back.
Europe [Italy/Greece] – Art, Culture, FOOD!
YOUR SUGGESTION – Obviously give me some reasons.
Our only requirement is it not be cold, and by cold I mean the -45F it was here this past winter.
Have you ever been to Ireland? If not, I'd say to do that. I really really miss that place. After Ireland, I'd vote Amsterdam, than San Francisco. :)