Alright so I was going to do a new MMA NotD post today but it has been a slow as hell week for MMA so just a blog it is.
Just when we thought it might be over, winter is apparently going to kick us in the balls tonight with another 6-8 inches of snow. Plus side I work tonight them I’m off the next two days so yay? Seriously though it was 58 yesterday, and is 55 right now, and in 12 hours it is supposed to be 21? WTF seriously WTF.
Discovered a new (to me) artist this morning, her name is Lindsey Stirling and wow. She plays this weird classical meets dubstep meets pop violin and it is amazing. I mean I like it enough I bought tickets already for her show in June near me.
As weird as it is, I find myself enjoying LARP. My roommate and his girlfriend have been LARPing for years and have spent the past year trying to get me to go to the Vampire: The Masquerade LARP here in town. I gave in a couple weeks ago (it is only once a month) and went, and had a blast. I’ve table topped for years but I never considered LARP, now I am looking forward to the next session.
In the weird wide world of BJJ this weekend a man tapped and then vomited because his opponent farted on or close to his face. Well when I start training again I might have to eat some taco bell before a tournament, sounds like an easy win to me.