Now I realize that being born and raised one town over from where the norovirus was discovered does not make me more susceptible to it but to feels like it.
in preparation for going back to work after after my two weeks off I've had to shave my beard. A part of my soul has died.
I spoke to god today, and she said that she's ashamed.
What have I become, what have I done?
I spoke to the devil today, and he swears he's not to blame.
Go watch the video for Five Finger Death Punch's song 'Wrong side of Heaven' it is a powerful song, and the video will make you feel.
I have a confession…..
My depression is not as beaten as I though. It took last night for me to realize that I have been suffering again for I’m not sure how long. I didn’t recognize it for what it was because it was acting different than it did years ago. I wasn’t sitting alone in my room with my gun next to me. I’m...
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Depressed. Tired of the struggle. Just tired of it all.
You have to love a pizza joint that closes at 1:30AM making you a pie when you walk in at 1:27Am.
Ok this is for @blu and everyone else who suffers from depression, and those who might suffer but don't realize it. You are not alone. Yes we all know that we are not, that we have people, if only people here on SG that we can talk to. But from experience when it gets the worst we feel alone, we feel lost.
Now first off...
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Well here in about an hour I will be shooting my first real shoot for a client and I am nervous as all hell. Ontop of the nerves it is gloom and bleak out. I don't see how this turns out well.
Nothing big and profound to say. Same shit different day.
Oh hell with it no moody vauge shit, i hate that crap even thought I have done it (alot) in the past.)
Life has been pretty good lately, ups and down but thats part of life ya know? been working a shit ton, between work, working with my landlord, and working on my photography, and...
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Ok SG world I have a problem.
I had a tattoo I wanted to get done for a long time, but….it no longer feels right and I don’t know any good artist to commission for a piece. Should I just try and find something generic in one of the books at a shop? Or what?