- on xpsychismx's status update
- on Independent Wrestlers in wrestling fans
- on Tough Enough in wrestling fans
- on bitten's blog post
- on ajp_archer's post on kcco_florida's page
- on kcco_florida's page
Check out @pulp 's new set
The job interview went well today, got offered 3 separate jobs by the end. Now we have to decided (wifey and myself) on it, the problem is pay vs time vs distance.
Job offers (all from the same company):
Job 1: 8.60 / hr (40 hours a week), 20 miles each way but a good chance to move to 10.50 / HR in the next...
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Ugh tomorrow I have to be up at 7AM, but it is for good reason,, I have an interview, only my second one since quitting my job 5 weeks ago.
I am praying this goes well, we are getting close to the end of being OK without me working, so I need this bad.
so the other day I read about the 40 Days 40 Bags challenge.
Basically everyday you donate/throw out/ ext a bag as you declutter your life and home.
Well we started it today, and did a bit more then 1 bag, we decided to start with clothing and by the time we were done we had...
5 Bags of new crafting material for wifey...
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I’m your buddy, your co-worker, maybe even your friend, but in my mind I question every second we spend together. Do you like me? Am I really your friend or do you put up with me because you feel bad for me? Do you mock me when I leave the room for being stupid enough to think I have a friend?
I love your friendship...
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Ok before i get into why tonight was great, I need to thank @blu & @griffxx for their support or else I never would have had the strength for tonight.
I suffer from depression and Borderline Personality Disorder, while out to lunch today with a friend he mentioned they'd been having some trouble with his step son, and told me that the step son had...
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So after 9 years at Kalahari I walked out tonight. Job search starts Monday.
Hey SG world,
Finally got my laptop back so i figured I would update some.
For the moment at least my depression has dropped off some, but I am still going to go see a professional to see what we can do, hopefully I can do this an not be put on meds.
I haven't taken a picture in like 3 months, but that's because...
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just about time for kick off. Here we go Buckeyes!
SSo the new year isonly a couple days old and its weird.
OSU beat Bama = great
My Stephen Amell fuck cancer shirt got here = great
I am going to seek professional help for my depression = good I guess
My mom's best friend died last night, she was like an aunt me = terrible
Two days in and I am scared for the...
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I've been lying, to my friends,family, myself and everyone here. I've went on at length in multiple blog post about how at least right now my depression is under control and that's been a lie. For the past 6 month I have considered either just walking away or more often putting a gun in my mouth. I haven't told anyone that it has gotten this...
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