Have not posted in months , been away from SG and really missed it. Same beautiful women,and a number of awesome new ladies. HOPE YOU ALL HAVE A WONDERFUL YEAR.
finally got a new computer that's working pretty well so I've decided to check up on everyone on my friends list that I haven't been able to say hi to in awhile.
Hello SG's...You ladies brighten the sun. So talented and beautiful each in your own individual way.I appreciate each and every one of you.I try to leave a coment on every set , but rarely get any feedback from you..oh well I still love you all..have a great day.....
Hehe, thats just because I havent really started doing anything yet today, and just slacks in front of my puter.
Ive been thinking of shooting a new set some time, but I havent really been active on the site for a while. Well see.
Thanks for your comment on me and Saint's rejected set I'm glad you enjoyed it.
If you want to go back and write more than "I loved it!" we'd appreciate it! We are always looking for more detailed feedback.
And, happy holidays to you, too! You are also special...