ever try to create when you have no fucking inspiration what so ever? i know i'm supposed to write and play music and love and embrace the beauty found in the commonplace but its really hard when i think about how incredibly dissapointing people are in general. how can we intellectually be the alpha creature on the planet but yet still be the least trust worthy? I just need one person. One badass beautiful fucking person who loves me how i am that wont put a knife in my back and then tell me they love me two days later. a physical relationship, a spiritual friendship what the fuck ever. How the fuck did the general populace get to be so self important. sorry apperently i've decided to say fuck alot today. i just feel like i have a tank full of gas but no tires on the car. anyone else ever feel like that?
I know how you feel because I've felt like this quite a bit before. I just hope you can find your muse and become inspired once more! Good luck ♡