Sorry I have neglected you for so long.
This has been life over the past...I dont know...3-4 months. While it doesnt entirely sum it up, it gives a sense of remembrance.There are many important things that have happened in my life that are not portrayed merely through imagery. Those moments and/or people are so dear to my heart.
The seasons are changing and with that comes beautiful blooms and feelings of enlightenment. Winter is a kind of "down in the dumps" type of season and those who dont enjoy the cold (much like myself) get stuck in that feeling. Cherry Blossoms are engulfing the trees and streets outside my windows and the vibrant pink and white flowers exude a sensation of happiness that is slowly creeping back into my soul. The past year has been one of trials and tribulations. While I remained positive for the duration, I cant say that it hasnt taken a toll on my sense of being. Even discussing it now makes my body ache and exhausts my brain. With these trials have come a feeling of being lost in translation. My life is passing before me and I feel less vivacious than years prior. Maybe these feelings will come to pass as the sun shines more and warmth engulfs my body. We shall see.