hey girl
i know you probably hate hate hate me-
i wanna call you and give you the lowdown on all my happening s- soooooooo sorry i have been so anti social- it's not you , i swear- i haven't spoken with much of anyone and i usually spend the weekends alone... just cause... or with strikinghelix, when i see get to see him...
but i swear i am doing my best to vow to be a better friend, cause i know i have sucked way bad in the last few months....
please forgive me.. and give your babies hugs for me....
i know you probably hate hate hate me-
i wanna call you and give you the lowdown on all my happening s- soooooooo sorry i have been so anti social- it's not you , i swear- i haven't spoken with much of anyone and i usually spend the weekends alone... just cause... or with strikinghelix, when i see get to see him...
but i swear i am doing my best to vow to be a better friend, cause i know i have sucked way bad in the last few months....
please forgive me.. and give your babies hugs for me....