Diabla 😈
To be a hot Diabla you can wear a red or black lingerie of your preference, in my case I chose this red one because I love a very shiny satin (which reminds me of something very vampiric too). I'm basically learning how to make up lol you can be more daring if u want, I even tried but it didn't work so I did the basic hahahaha
This horns are super easy to do, basic but it gives more charm at the look✨ I made my horns with styrofoam but it can be made with aluminum foil, those modeling clay for crafts, you know? I forgot the name LOL (em português chama biscuit) anyway if you search for a tutorial on the internet several options will come up
Put it all together n girrrrl you will be ready to rock! I intend to remake this costume because I'm going to change my hair color 🙊 and change a few more things, today I did what I had at home and in the excitement of the moment
I intend to share some ideas with you guys I hope you like it💫 if it helps you make a blog and tag me!
@missy @lemon @mickey @jacqueline @eirenne @suicidegirlsbrasil @halloween