Well because I am unable to get a parking permit to park closer to my fucking new place I have to walk five or more blocks every night in this fucked up city just to get home. No big deal, I'm sure there is worse shit out there to deal with. The new place has come along pretty nice. All my wolf shit and swords, and pantera framed pics, Slayer framed pics, Danzig Framed pics and all are hung all about. The loft area is done complete with an air mattress that won't hold air. Needless any action seen will be seen by the futon down here. I've got to get to work soon. I've been signing up for a shitload of twelve hour shifts, Why?, fuck, nothing better to do at the moment, might as well make buttloads of money. Anyway, I'm fucking out of here...L8er...AJ
On a second note.. I told you I wanted to drop it. I know you strongly disagree with my beliefs and you most likely think i'm stupid for having them, which is why I told you I didn't want to get into a political debate with you. I know you'll think this is me over-reacting and that I need to toughen up, but when I receive nothing but negative criticism it makes me start to fuckin wonder if you particularly like to make me feel like shit. But like I said.. I"m sure I'm taking that too far and you can feel free to tell me what a weakling I am, and I will in return apologize for feeling how I feel and you can go on about your day.
I miss you, and I miss how we used to talk...