So I might have been a bit of a prick this Valentines day though I couldn't hold it in any longer. My best girl has it all, DVDs all she wants, DVRs, Stereo's, computers, books, video games, PS2s and she hasn't done a fucking thing around here in three weeks. I got her out of bed and made her take care of the animals she has been neglecting. Yeah I don't mind taking care of the snakes, the reptiles, the cat, the fish, and the rest but doing it alone, cooking dinner, cleaning up, vaccumming the floor, doing the bills and taking out the trash has burned me out. She had her doctor double her dose of Prozac and now she just lays out and watches TV. Well when I saw how dirty the fish tank was I couldn't take it any more.
I woke her up, we cleaned the house, then she went into the room, turned on the other TV and went to bed, okay, what fucking ever.
I'm fucking stuffed. I made a crossiont, crescent, okay, fine, fuck you I can't spell crossant, with cheese and all. I went to warm it up and forgot about it. Then I felt starved as I was sitting on the couch and made a pound of chili. As I went to reheat the chili, whoa! There was the crossant! So I ate it with the chili and now my tummy hurts. Fucking bloody hell. Boy am I going to poop Later. Anyway thats all........folks........L8er.........AJ
I woke her up, we cleaned the house, then she went into the room, turned on the other TV and went to bed, okay, what fucking ever.
I'm fucking stuffed. I made a crossiont, crescent, okay, fine, fuck you I can't spell crossant, with cheese and all. I went to warm it up and forgot about it. Then I felt starved as I was sitting on the couch and made a pound of chili. As I went to reheat the chili, whoa! There was the crossant! So I ate it with the chili and now my tummy hurts. Fucking bloody hell. Boy am I going to poop Later. Anyway thats all........folks........L8er.........AJ
I told her to go with it man. I don't deal well with bullshit. Anyway, this time there will be no reconciliation. This isn't like the usual boyfriend girlfriend crap. This is unforgivable totally.........Enough of my ranting..........L8er..........AJ