Ok once again big changes have been happening. At school I'm kicking ass
I love my school it's the only place that I'm encourage to draw during class. I am no longer the treasurer of the art club but I am the President, as well as the treasurer and secretary, of the Comic Book Club. Basically we want to publish our own comics and have a comic strip in the school news letter but that wont happen for awhile. On January 6 we have the club showcase I've done up some flyers for it and tomorrow I'm going by the school to find out what the school is going to set up for us for the showcase; probably just a table and table cloth.
Today I'm off to a local pizzeria to work on a mural I have no idea what I'll be doing or what it looks like but I'll post pics. I also completed my first oil painting. Every one I've showed it to loves it I'll post the pic I have of it when I'm done typing out this post. Well I hope everyone had a great holiday and I also hope everyone has a great New Year

Today I'm off to a local pizzeria to work on a mural I have no idea what I'll be doing or what it looks like but I'll post pics. I also completed my first oil painting. Every one I've showed it to loves it I'll post the pic I have of it when I'm done typing out this post. Well I hope everyone had a great holiday and I also hope everyone has a great New Year