Hey Kats and Kittens =^_^=
Im not gonna lie, i know in this blog im gonna sound like a jerk, and i apologize for that in advance. This is just something that really bothers me. I really dont put my thoughts down anywhere else so you all have to just deal.
So, my soon to be sister in law told me today that she is pregnant. I guess this is normally a happy and joyus deal and all. But someone has to be the bad guy, and i guess its me. I love my brother, and my sis n law. They are two of my favorite people in the world. But this is a huge mistake. Yeah, I said it.
Heres my issues, first of all, my brother is 25, she is 20. and just turned 20 last week. While yes there are much younger people that have kids, i am aware. Her reason to want to have a kid is that she wants someone to love her no matter what. She has some, ok a lot of self esteem issues. We all have some, but hers are overboard. I don't think she is emotionally ready to take on this responsibility.
The maturity level is nowhere near what it needs to be with her to be raising a child. She is not responsible with her money, many times spending it on frivolous things that catch her fancy at the time. Which, in itself wouldnt be a big deal, but they struggle to make ends meet as is. Both my brother and her work as many hours a week as they can, making slightly above minimum wage. How are things going to work for them supporting another mouth to feed?
And while I am painting a poor picture, i know. Neither of them have health insurance. How can you even consider bringing a child into the world without having some sort of medical coverage. I know I'm in the medical field, so yea i have a educated view on things, but regardless this is tantamount example of poor planning, and irresponsibility.
Don't get me wrong, i love kids, being an uncle is something i actually look forward to. When both of them are financially secure, have a home, have finished college, and can support a child then make the step. My brother has a budding career as a sports columnist that he might just have thrown away because of the extra hours and time he is going to have to put it to be a father.
I know i sound cruel/evil or whatever adjective you can find to describe my thoughts on the matter. But i just needed to say this.
Im not gonna lie, i know in this blog im gonna sound like a jerk, and i apologize for that in advance. This is just something that really bothers me. I really dont put my thoughts down anywhere else so you all have to just deal.
So, my soon to be sister in law told me today that she is pregnant. I guess this is normally a happy and joyus deal and all. But someone has to be the bad guy, and i guess its me. I love my brother, and my sis n law. They are two of my favorite people in the world. But this is a huge mistake. Yeah, I said it.
Heres my issues, first of all, my brother is 25, she is 20. and just turned 20 last week. While yes there are much younger people that have kids, i am aware. Her reason to want to have a kid is that she wants someone to love her no matter what. She has some, ok a lot of self esteem issues. We all have some, but hers are overboard. I don't think she is emotionally ready to take on this responsibility.
The maturity level is nowhere near what it needs to be with her to be raising a child. She is not responsible with her money, many times spending it on frivolous things that catch her fancy at the time. Which, in itself wouldnt be a big deal, but they struggle to make ends meet as is. Both my brother and her work as many hours a week as they can, making slightly above minimum wage. How are things going to work for them supporting another mouth to feed?
And while I am painting a poor picture, i know. Neither of them have health insurance. How can you even consider bringing a child into the world without having some sort of medical coverage. I know I'm in the medical field, so yea i have a educated view on things, but regardless this is tantamount example of poor planning, and irresponsibility.
Don't get me wrong, i love kids, being an uncle is something i actually look forward to. When both of them are financially secure, have a home, have finished college, and can support a child then make the step. My brother has a budding career as a sports columnist that he might just have thrown away because of the extra hours and time he is going to have to put it to be a father.
I know i sound cruel/evil or whatever adjective you can find to describe my thoughts on the matter. But i just needed to say this.

No dont judge yourself. I totally agree!! That sounds insane.
cool have fun!!