Hey Kats n Kittens:
So, i'm pretty sure i had my first anxiety attack ever today. I know right? Pretty freakin sweet. I guess its just part of nursing skool or w/e, i dont know why it had to wait till im on the back nine tho.
So I had a major test on cardiac stuff (joy) so ur ECG strips and all the little lines that cause w/e to be wrong, and Cardiac conditions, and the drugs used to treat those conditions. If u have any medical knowledge the heart is difficult.
On top of that i had a wicked bad nightmare. See i never remember my dreams, unless they are horrific nightmares. Without going into too much detail, i'll just say i woke up in the middle of the night balling my eyes out, and didnt sleep well the rest of the night, and decided to turn off my alarm instead of wake up, yay for me lol.
I got clinicals tomarrow not entirely excited for; 12 hours of orientation. Followed by a 12 hour day on thursday, and the hospital has really low patient census, so yea not a lot to do there i have heard.
I'm leaving monday to head to oregon to visit my grandmother. I havent been there in years, and with her condition im really not sure how its gonna turn out.
Neway still got some homework to finish, and a test on friday wish me Luck!
Heres my fav song thus far from 30 Seconds to Mars' new album This Is War the song is Closer to the Edge I dont know how Mr. Leto does it, but he always connects with me in his music. This song is exactly how i feel right now at this point in my life. I love that Man! PLZ LISTEN its great, and go BUY THE ALBUM!!!!
(the original pirate of SG)
PS Follow me on Twitter MattHavok13 Tnx ^^
So, i'm pretty sure i had my first anxiety attack ever today. I know right? Pretty freakin sweet. I guess its just part of nursing skool or w/e, i dont know why it had to wait till im on the back nine tho.
So I had a major test on cardiac stuff (joy) so ur ECG strips and all the little lines that cause w/e to be wrong, and Cardiac conditions, and the drugs used to treat those conditions. If u have any medical knowledge the heart is difficult.
On top of that i had a wicked bad nightmare. See i never remember my dreams, unless they are horrific nightmares. Without going into too much detail, i'll just say i woke up in the middle of the night balling my eyes out, and didnt sleep well the rest of the night, and decided to turn off my alarm instead of wake up, yay for me lol.
I got clinicals tomarrow not entirely excited for; 12 hours of orientation. Followed by a 12 hour day on thursday, and the hospital has really low patient census, so yea not a lot to do there i have heard.
I'm leaving monday to head to oregon to visit my grandmother. I havent been there in years, and with her condition im really not sure how its gonna turn out.
Neway still got some homework to finish, and a test on friday wish me Luck!
Heres my fav song thus far from 30 Seconds to Mars' new album This Is War the song is Closer to the Edge I dont know how Mr. Leto does it, but he always connects with me in his music. This song is exactly how i feel right now at this point in my life. I love that Man! PLZ LISTEN its great, and go BUY THE ALBUM!!!!

PS Follow me on Twitter MattHavok13 Tnx ^^