So yeah.. I know im never here.
Kinda have sparratic pc time so
Here is somethin kinda weird i think about myself. I love kids. I always enjoyed coaching and doing some of the teaching i did. I even hope to get a job in pediatrics when i finish nursing skool. But i have absolutely no desire to have any of my my own. I know im weird. Just a random thot.
Well if anyone reads this and even cares no im not dead; hope u all are doin well.
And i promise i will update my pics. Hvent been straightening my hair (mostly too lazy
) so u can see my au naturale ( <--tottally spelled wrong =P) hair.
Kinda have sparratic pc time so

Here is somethin kinda weird i think about myself. I love kids. I always enjoyed coaching and doing some of the teaching i did. I even hope to get a job in pediatrics when i finish nursing skool. But i have absolutely no desire to have any of my my own. I know im weird. Just a random thot.
Well if anyone reads this and even cares no im not dead; hope u all are doin well.
And i promise i will update my pics. Hvent been straightening my hair (mostly too lazy


i didnt hear anything about her being taken out of her grandpas will but why would she even need to be in it still shes rich as fuck haha yeah ive been hearing she has a new show on mtv but i just have basic cable so i havent been able to watch it
hahaha weird.. i liked when her and nicole richie were friends. i love nicole richie shes so pretty