I am needing to clean my apt and pack this morning, got up early to do so. Just don't really want to. I leave for Florida tomorrow morning and while I am happy to go, I hate to fly. I would rather drive. O.K. maybe not this time of year, but if I had my choice that would have been the mode of transportation.
I have 4 hours to get everything done before my parents arrive. and looking at my room and the pile of paper work I need to finish, I suppose I should be a "good" girl and get it done.
Oh, well by this time tomorrow I will not have to worry about it. And by tomorrow afternoon, I will be in warm, sunny Florida and back on solid ground. Leaving all my friends in cold, dirty Denver!
Chow, Baby!
I have 4 hours to get everything done before my parents arrive. and looking at my room and the pile of paper work I need to finish, I suppose I should be a "good" girl and get it done.


Oh, well by this time tomorrow I will not have to worry about it. And by tomorrow afternoon, I will be in warm, sunny Florida and back on solid ground. Leaving all my friends in cold, dirty Denver!

Chow, Baby!

Have a shitload of fun in florida! I went there this past summer to visit my now boyfriend. Twas hot as hell...but the beaches were amazing. so tropical like.
About my SG application. I made it past the first two rounds but i still have to get a set accepted. wish me luck. I think I'm shooting this weekend.
yeay for you and your hot red hair to be. i can't wait to see how it turns out.
how did the developing of film go?
Don't forget to wear sunscreen paleface.