I have 12 or 13 rolls of film that I have been moving from house to house for well, uhm,,, the last 12 or 13 years, and I think it is time I got them developed. I highly doubt that any of them will still be any good, even though most of them have been refridgerated for the entire time. But hell maybe there will be some pics of me from my youth when I was more punk looking, or maybe some good nudie shots (of me or some guy I was dating at the time), or maybe it will trigger more memories (which is probably why they were never developed in the first place). I am really curious to see what is on them. I think I shot most of them, but then again I could be wrong. My only fear is that the ex took some, in which case I could be in for a rude awaking.
(He was a sick mother!) I also image that it will cost a fortune to develope these pics. To bad I don't still have access to a darkroom. I could develop the film and only print what is worth printing. This is why I love digital. Wish me luck. I hope they have something juicy on them, worth not only the money to print, but worth posting.
That would be good!
I'm also trying to decide what to do w/ my hair. I really don't like it right now. I feel so plain jane.
I am thinking about going more auburn w/ red low & hi lites and extreme red around the face to highlight it. But then just maybe staying w/ my natural color (lt. brn) and doing some hi and low lites. And suggestions?
Also I know that I am going to get another tattoo for my birthday. Well it's not just one tattoo but a compilation of several that basically tells the story of me and who I am. My questions are:
1) My previous tatttoo I had done about 8 years ago in Carbondale, CO by Calamity Jane (Tomboy Tattoos). She is awesome and I would love to have her do the work again, but I really don't want to drive to Carbondale in Feb or March (too snowy) and I am impatient, so can you recommend a reputable artist whom excells in Yakuza style or Traditional Japanese style tattoo work closer to town?
2) I can speak Japanese I just cannot write or read Kanji. I want the tattoo in Kanji. I know there are sites on the internet where you can tell them what you want it too say and they will send you back a file w/ your msg translated into the Japanese language and in the font you choose, after it has been checked for accuarcy in Japan and here in the states. Has anyone had any success w/ this?
3) If not, is there someplace local beside my neighborhood Japanese Sushi bar that I might be able to find some one write my text out for me?
I would really hate to think I am getting one thing and wind up w/ something entirely different and degrading or that makes no effin' sense.
Just a few questions, eh?

I'm also trying to decide what to do w/ my hair. I really don't like it right now. I feel so plain jane.

Also I know that I am going to get another tattoo for my birthday. Well it's not just one tattoo but a compilation of several that basically tells the story of me and who I am. My questions are:
1) My previous tatttoo I had done about 8 years ago in Carbondale, CO by Calamity Jane (Tomboy Tattoos). She is awesome and I would love to have her do the work again, but I really don't want to drive to Carbondale in Feb or March (too snowy) and I am impatient, so can you recommend a reputable artist whom excells in Yakuza style or Traditional Japanese style tattoo work closer to town?
2) I can speak Japanese I just cannot write or read Kanji. I want the tattoo in Kanji. I know there are sites on the internet where you can tell them what you want it too say and they will send you back a file w/ your msg translated into the Japanese language and in the font you choose, after it has been checked for accuarcy in Japan and here in the states. Has anyone had any success w/ this?
3) If not, is there someplace local beside my neighborhood Japanese Sushi bar that I might be able to find some one write my text out for me?
I would really hate to think I am getting one thing and wind up w/ something entirely different and degrading or that makes no effin' sense.
Just a few questions, eh?

i've not heard of maxfund. i'll have to check it out because i would like to offer these people something else if they can't afford the emergency stuff. it would make me feel a lot better.
oh, do you know if maxfund is open late? just wondering since after 8pm is when i get most of those calls.