My kids are home. Yeah! My oldest told me that he was ready to come home 7 days ago, and my youngest did not say he wasn't ready to come home, and my little girl hasn't left my side in the last two hours. It's good to be mom.
So now I'm off to play house and kiss my little one's, & tuck them in to bed.
Sinnen omedetoo goziamasu.
Happy New Year!
Christmas at the mortuary: Interesting to say the least. I found out that my eccentric cousin and his Bohemian wife are quiting their jobs to travel around the country like mondern day Gypsy's. Very cool yet very surreal. My insane uncle is moving to Columbia w/ his girlfriend. He thinks he will like it better than here. We will see how long that lasts. Moving to a country were you don't speak the lanquage and don't know the customs and you are crazy to begin w/. The cartel will probably shoot him the first week he is there. I hope not, but it would not surprise me. But then again maybe he is moving there because they probably still practice his favorite form of therapy. Electric shock therapy! OUCH! But oh so true. To each their own.
Thanks to everyone whom had a drink with me while on vacation. I was hardly home and when I was I generally sleeping. My head hurts and my body says I should still be asleep right now, but all the things I needed to get done over vacation now need to be done in 3 hours. Yeah like that will happen.
Thannk you, Danna for the dress and jewelry for Christmas. They are lovely and mean a lot to me.
Four days from now will mark the 1 year anniversary of my gaining my freedom, and taking control of my life back.
Life has changed in unmeasurable ways over the last year. My life has always had way too much turmoile and pain in it.
And this year that lays ahead I hope to be the most stress free, drama free, laid back, easy going year. I have grown more in the last year than anyother. I know now that I get to choose where I go and what I do. I get to choose life. And the life I choose is not going to be held in mercy. Not anymore.
So to start the year off right, I and my kids are going to Florida for 6 days. I am going to show my kids that life can be good and have happy moments in it. That not everything is scary and cold. That they do not have to fear everything and that they can smile. And that we can be happy.

So now I'm off to play house and kiss my little one's, & tuck them in to bed.
Sinnen omedetoo goziamasu.
Happy New Year!
Christmas at the mortuary: Interesting to say the least. I found out that my eccentric cousin and his Bohemian wife are quiting their jobs to travel around the country like mondern day Gypsy's. Very cool yet very surreal. My insane uncle is moving to Columbia w/ his girlfriend. He thinks he will like it better than here. We will see how long that lasts. Moving to a country were you don't speak the lanquage and don't know the customs and you are crazy to begin w/. The cartel will probably shoot him the first week he is there. I hope not, but it would not surprise me. But then again maybe he is moving there because they probably still practice his favorite form of therapy. Electric shock therapy! OUCH! But oh so true. To each their own.

Thanks to everyone whom had a drink with me while on vacation. I was hardly home and when I was I generally sleeping. My head hurts and my body says I should still be asleep right now, but all the things I needed to get done over vacation now need to be done in 3 hours. Yeah like that will happen.
Thannk you, Danna for the dress and jewelry for Christmas. They are lovely and mean a lot to me.

Four days from now will mark the 1 year anniversary of my gaining my freedom, and taking control of my life back.
Life has changed in unmeasurable ways over the last year. My life has always had way too much turmoile and pain in it.
And this year that lays ahead I hope to be the most stress free, drama free, laid back, easy going year. I have grown more in the last year than anyother. I know now that I get to choose where I go and what I do. I get to choose life. And the life I choose is not going to be held in mercy. Not anymore.
So to start the year off right, I and my kids are going to Florida for 6 days. I am going to show my kids that life can be good and have happy moments in it. That not everything is scary and cold. That they do not have to fear everything and that they can smile. And that we can be happy.

Oh yeah, Happy New Year

Your kids are ADORABLE!! : ) they look like there mommy that is probably why!! take care and thanks again for the help on the Journal...