Ok. I'm back and too @#%*^ bad if it doesn't please the masses. It is about time that certain people learn that this is my life. I did not ask for their opinion, advice or the like. It is not wanted nor warranted! So FUCK OFF!
You may not like my choices in my life, but I could do worse. I could be you!
You know it is a funny thing, individuality. My whole life I have struggled with this. I have always been myself and did not want to be like anybody else, but, yet, I just wanted to be treated the same as everyone else. I did not want a special set of rules just for me. I wanted to be equal. Not better, and definately not worse off than anyone else.
The weird thing is I am myself. Maybe you should try it! There's an idea. Be a FUCKING individual. You know who you are too. Don't act like this is not aimed directly at you, A.D.!
I am tired of the way you control everyone around you. And you expect everyone to chase you. I don't chase. I don't have to, nor do I have to make others feel worthless without me and like they need me to survive. If some one cannot make it without me, what makes you think that I want to be the one to pick up the pieces for them. I have a life, and don't need to build someone elses. Fuck that.
You try so hard to be something and someone you are not. You think the world is enamored with you and your looks. The men that chase you are not worth having. Some are mere boys and the rest are disgusting foul coked out pimps! You dress like a child and you look ten times older. You know it too.
Everyone sees us together and they think you are older than I am, and yet you know the opposite is true. And it is not a compliment to have people think you are older than you are, especially when you are young.
Young! Thats the key word here. You are young. You are immature, in-experienced and childish. You have not been around the world. The block yes, the world no. You do not have years of knowledge. You do not have anything. You have facades that you live behind.
How dare you, a mere child tell me that I am wasting my life. You know nothing about my life. You only know what you hear. You have not seen what has taken place behind closed doors or over the years. You have not suffered the pain and misery that I have. You have not enjoyed the pleasures of my life. You have not even experienced life it's self! So how the hell am I going to take your advice.
I am not.
Whew... That felt good. I'm back
You may not like my choices in my life, but I could do worse. I could be you!
You know it is a funny thing, individuality. My whole life I have struggled with this. I have always been myself and did not want to be like anybody else, but, yet, I just wanted to be treated the same as everyone else. I did not want a special set of rules just for me. I wanted to be equal. Not better, and definately not worse off than anyone else.
The weird thing is I am myself. Maybe you should try it! There's an idea. Be a FUCKING individual. You know who you are too. Don't act like this is not aimed directly at you, A.D.!
I am tired of the way you control everyone around you. And you expect everyone to chase you. I don't chase. I don't have to, nor do I have to make others feel worthless without me and like they need me to survive. If some one cannot make it without me, what makes you think that I want to be the one to pick up the pieces for them. I have a life, and don't need to build someone elses. Fuck that.
You try so hard to be something and someone you are not. You think the world is enamored with you and your looks. The men that chase you are not worth having. Some are mere boys and the rest are disgusting foul coked out pimps! You dress like a child and you look ten times older. You know it too.
Everyone sees us together and they think you are older than I am, and yet you know the opposite is true. And it is not a compliment to have people think you are older than you are, especially when you are young.
Young! Thats the key word here. You are young. You are immature, in-experienced and childish. You have not been around the world. The block yes, the world no. You do not have years of knowledge. You do not have anything. You have facades that you live behind.
How dare you, a mere child tell me that I am wasting my life. You know nothing about my life. You only know what you hear. You have not seen what has taken place behind closed doors or over the years. You have not suffered the pain and misery that I have. You have not enjoyed the pleasures of my life. You have not even experienced life it's self! So how the hell am I going to take your advice.
I am not.
Whew... That felt good. I'm back
Denver love, baby.