So on Tuesday I got notice that I will be moving to Colorado springs in December. I was pretty happy to get the news because every else they where going to send me sucked pretty bad. I just will have to go buy a really big coat because its going to be a shock from Hawaii. Well its something for me to look forward to....
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Thanks for the bday message mister! xo
So on the 7th of April I went and had my surgery done. It was a 3 bone carpal fusion. The surgery it self went well. Though for the next day my right arm was just a swollen club. Yesterday I went in to see the doctor about some odd pain and got to see the what was left of my wrist. I will have...
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thank u
Thats so true. Better just to do things by yourself if u actually want to make them happen, and without some stupid mistakes. Like, who would buy movie tickets with out checking in which movie theater the movie is playing? That just sounds the most stupid ever. But oh well, we all do mistakes so there's no guarantee that even if i would do everything, i wouldn't make any less mistakes.
So just need to keep on hoping best
So just need to keep on hoping best

So I have found out what is making my wrist hurt. When I crash dirt bike riding a year and a half ago I damaged one of the bones in my wrist which is tearing up the cartilage that allows it to slide around easily. They doctors told me the only way it will really heal is for surgery. I am not really looking forward...
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thanks for the love on my new set

feeling all better! thank you. Good luck with your surgery! Have fun with the drugs, ehhe.
I always sit wish things I hope for always falls through my fingers. Maybe one day one hope one dream will come true for me. But until then I will sit here waiting wishing hoping for it to happen.
One thing I am not Is. I am not harder or tougher then the ground. I had this valuable lesson yesterday riding dirt bikes with my family while i am on leave. I know sit here with 2 sprained wrists (Which really freaking hurts), a concussion, a black eye and other bumps and bruises all over. But the good news is I know have vicadain...
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I didn't know about that! Thanks a lot!
Well i made it to hawaii just fine. I had a few problems with people coming and picking me up. But i got throw it and got the things done i needed to. Hawaii is so beautful. The weather here has never been bad so far. My sister is geting married in november in vegas. oh i love what im doing here. i get to...
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its not very cold... its been in the high 70s and mid 80s this week but thats just cause it been raining... the weather has been actually very mild here for that past few years.... last winter there was only 3 semi big snow storms... thanks to global warming
Thank you for showing love on my new set! xxxx
oh life u live when u are in a differnt contrey then your own is very intresting. as it warms up here serveral things that will increase not only my privacy but my happiness. Shorly i will be moving in to a room all to my self. which will be the best thing sense i got to korea. i will also be going up in...
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thanks for your sweet comment on my set 

I hope I stope dreaming them too! The painting of me and the dog was by
but I did the photo thing at the top. Hope you're doing well and having a good weekend thanks for the kind wishes! 

God life is hell here. geting in to trouble for the must bull shit reasons. and a room mate that i want to kill. i cant think life has not been worst off for me then it was today. just let this day end already

Happy B'day!

Happy birthday, hope todays a better day than when you last did your journal

To visit a new country is something very interasting. to move to a new country is a life changing experice. to move to a country that hates you, is emotion trama whating to happen.