Ok, this is gona be one fucking long journal entry.
I will start off this entry with a big FUCK HUSTON TEXAS! That place is a damn maze, not to mention all the road work and toll booths. I spent like 10 damn dollars cause i got lost there from toll booths.
Ok, got that out of my system, now for the updating.
When i updated my last journal entry, it was like 10 min after i got a call from the oil rig company, so i had to pack my stuff ASAP and head to Huston, Texas. I had to be there later that night. Finally after getting lost for a good 2 hours trying to find the place and spending what i considered a small fortune at toll booths, i found it! So i get there, fill out the paper work, listen to a symanar(spelling? hah) then i left to go to the doctors office for my physical, drug test and many other tests, ive never felt so violated. A funny thing at the doctors office was when i saw him throw on a rubber glove and thought to myself... ohhh shit. So i drop my pants and bend over only to hear the doctor saying "NO NO NO! this isnt a rectal", i let out a sight of relief.
After i got done with the tests and stuff, which was around 5pm they told me i had to be in Homah Lousiana (pretty sure i misspelled that) at 6am the next morning. So i threw all my stuff in the car and started to drive. I wont go into details, but they give horrid directions. So i arrive at the training rig wondering what ive gotten myself into. It wasnt too bad, booring is all. I woke up at 4:30am and would go to class allllll day long, watching safety videos and taking tests. If you failed one test they would send you home, they had alot of tests, some were hard, but i made high on all, go figgure.
Skipping ahead in the future, it is now 1 week later and they throw us a small lame ass graduation, i got a cheap looking diploma. Lots happened at the training rig, but nothing to really write about. Anyways, 8pm is when i was done with it, then the training instructor came to me and told me i had to be in Venice Lousiana by 2am, i was like WTF! and threw my clothes in a bag and left. I finally arrived at the docks and waited for my boat. I got on the boat at the dock and headed to the rig, bout an hour and a half boat ride, seas were rough.
I got there thinking i would get sleep, i was wrong, they put me straight to work for 12 straight hours, it was hell. Finally i got off work and got to sleep, after a long shower i got dirty, more like filthy.
Everyday for 2 straight weeks they woke us up at 4:30am, had to be at a safety meeting at 5am then releave the night crew by 5:30am then work till 5:30pm, only break we get is like 15 min for lunch, all the rest of the time its straight work. You have to be doing something there all the time, if they see you not doing something you get chewed out, but there is always something to do. Right now im at the bottom of the food chain there, my title is Roustabout, i felt like a pirate! i got to scrub the decks and shit! Booya! Mainly what i do now is work for the crain opperator, giveing him signals, going onto the boats loading stuff onto the slings trying not to fall off the boat and stuff. Its fun how they put you down onto the boat, they have whats called a personell basket that i attatch to the crain and they raise me over the side of the rig and then lower me down onto the boat, its alot of fun, im atleast 70ft over water, i love that part.
I have alot i have to do there, the work is alot harder than i though, but the pay.... all i can say is wow. Just the first week of the training rig, where all i did all day was sit in a class, i brought home over 1k. This job pays out the ass, just starting off i make $12.95 an hour, and i get a shitload of overtime, the first fucking week at the real rig i put in 91 fucking hours, that sucked, i am still tired, the second week i put in bout 85 hours. I can finally say im rich, or what i would consider rich, i make in a week there what would take me about 2 months to make at my old job.
I meet some cool people there, one guy came onto the rig that worked for another company, im not sure what they were doing there, but to make a long story short, he saw one of my tats and that lead to a converstation. Come to find out he plays WoW, i thought that was fucking crazy, i wouldve never pictured this guy playing games, he looked more like an older biker, he was probably around 48ish.
My last day at the rig, Tuesday, a fucking storm came and they called an abandon rig, so we tied down everything and other stuff. This couldnt of happened like my first week so i could come home and get paid for nothing ohhhh no, it had to happen my last day. It rains alot there, and is hot as hell, some days i look like ive been swimming ive sweated so much. Its horrid after it rains and the sun comes out, it gets hummid as hell and most of the time after it rains for some odd reason there is no wind blowing.
There is sooo much i could write about, but im tired.
Today when i got home me and my brother went and saw Batman, it was pretty good i thought, couldve added more to it, but not many movies are perfect in my eyes. I went and oppened a checking and savings account also, i really hadnt needed one before, my money would be spent before i even got it, hehe. I have alot of stuff i need to buy, one thing is a digital camera. Next month i think ill go buy a new car, my old Buick wont last many more trips i dont think.
Anyways, im home for 2 weeks, then ill be gone for 2 weeks etc etc.
So much to do, i got money to travel now in my off time, im excited about that, dunno where i wana go though.
I got a fucking tan while i was gone, i much enjoyed being pale, im sad now.
Hmmm, thats all for now, maybe more later
This is the rig i work on atm, cept its out in the Gulf of Mexico atm.
I will start off this entry with a big FUCK HUSTON TEXAS! That place is a damn maze, not to mention all the road work and toll booths. I spent like 10 damn dollars cause i got lost there from toll booths.
Ok, got that out of my system, now for the updating.
When i updated my last journal entry, it was like 10 min after i got a call from the oil rig company, so i had to pack my stuff ASAP and head to Huston, Texas. I had to be there later that night. Finally after getting lost for a good 2 hours trying to find the place and spending what i considered a small fortune at toll booths, i found it! So i get there, fill out the paper work, listen to a symanar(spelling? hah) then i left to go to the doctors office for my physical, drug test and many other tests, ive never felt so violated. A funny thing at the doctors office was when i saw him throw on a rubber glove and thought to myself... ohhh shit. So i drop my pants and bend over only to hear the doctor saying "NO NO NO! this isnt a rectal", i let out a sight of relief.
After i got done with the tests and stuff, which was around 5pm they told me i had to be in Homah Lousiana (pretty sure i misspelled that) at 6am the next morning. So i threw all my stuff in the car and started to drive. I wont go into details, but they give horrid directions. So i arrive at the training rig wondering what ive gotten myself into. It wasnt too bad, booring is all. I woke up at 4:30am and would go to class allllll day long, watching safety videos and taking tests. If you failed one test they would send you home, they had alot of tests, some were hard, but i made high on all, go figgure.
Skipping ahead in the future, it is now 1 week later and they throw us a small lame ass graduation, i got a cheap looking diploma. Lots happened at the training rig, but nothing to really write about. Anyways, 8pm is when i was done with it, then the training instructor came to me and told me i had to be in Venice Lousiana by 2am, i was like WTF! and threw my clothes in a bag and left. I finally arrived at the docks and waited for my boat. I got on the boat at the dock and headed to the rig, bout an hour and a half boat ride, seas were rough.
I got there thinking i would get sleep, i was wrong, they put me straight to work for 12 straight hours, it was hell. Finally i got off work and got to sleep, after a long shower i got dirty, more like filthy.
Everyday for 2 straight weeks they woke us up at 4:30am, had to be at a safety meeting at 5am then releave the night crew by 5:30am then work till 5:30pm, only break we get is like 15 min for lunch, all the rest of the time its straight work. You have to be doing something there all the time, if they see you not doing something you get chewed out, but there is always something to do. Right now im at the bottom of the food chain there, my title is Roustabout, i felt like a pirate! i got to scrub the decks and shit! Booya! Mainly what i do now is work for the crain opperator, giveing him signals, going onto the boats loading stuff onto the slings trying not to fall off the boat and stuff. Its fun how they put you down onto the boat, they have whats called a personell basket that i attatch to the crain and they raise me over the side of the rig and then lower me down onto the boat, its alot of fun, im atleast 70ft over water, i love that part.
I have alot i have to do there, the work is alot harder than i though, but the pay.... all i can say is wow. Just the first week of the training rig, where all i did all day was sit in a class, i brought home over 1k. This job pays out the ass, just starting off i make $12.95 an hour, and i get a shitload of overtime, the first fucking week at the real rig i put in 91 fucking hours, that sucked, i am still tired, the second week i put in bout 85 hours. I can finally say im rich, or what i would consider rich, i make in a week there what would take me about 2 months to make at my old job.
I meet some cool people there, one guy came onto the rig that worked for another company, im not sure what they were doing there, but to make a long story short, he saw one of my tats and that lead to a converstation. Come to find out he plays WoW, i thought that was fucking crazy, i wouldve never pictured this guy playing games, he looked more like an older biker, he was probably around 48ish.
My last day at the rig, Tuesday, a fucking storm came and they called an abandon rig, so we tied down everything and other stuff. This couldnt of happened like my first week so i could come home and get paid for nothing ohhhh no, it had to happen my last day. It rains alot there, and is hot as hell, some days i look like ive been swimming ive sweated so much. Its horrid after it rains and the sun comes out, it gets hummid as hell and most of the time after it rains for some odd reason there is no wind blowing.
There is sooo much i could write about, but im tired.
Today when i got home me and my brother went and saw Batman, it was pretty good i thought, couldve added more to it, but not many movies are perfect in my eyes. I went and oppened a checking and savings account also, i really hadnt needed one before, my money would be spent before i even got it, hehe. I have alot of stuff i need to buy, one thing is a digital camera. Next month i think ill go buy a new car, my old Buick wont last many more trips i dont think.
Anyways, im home for 2 weeks, then ill be gone for 2 weeks etc etc.
So much to do, i got money to travel now in my off time, im excited about that, dunno where i wana go though.
I got a fucking tan while i was gone, i much enjoyed being pale, im sad now.
Hmmm, thats all for now, maybe more later

This is the rig i work on atm, cept its out in the Gulf of Mexico atm.
what's up with your computer? i miss playing with you.
i'm 7 bubbles from 60!