Not much has happened lately.
Today i logged onto WoW and decided to level my hunter, within the first 10 min i was ganked. So i log on my pally to extract some vengance, i got zerged by many horde
So i decided to hell with playing WoW all day again, so i went out. Alas there was nothing to do. I stopped by my old job to chat with some friends, even they were talking about E3. I wish i could go, seems like it would be fun, but oh well.
So after chatting for about an hour or so, i went to find food. I stopped by some ghetto chinese fast food resturant, i felt sick even walking into that place, so i promptly left. I drove around for about 15 min looking for food, but saw nothing i wanted. I ended up just buying a bag of peanuts, yummy.
After my failure to find suitable food, i decided i would go rent some movies. There was nothing there that i desired to see, so i just grabbed 3 movies and went to pay. I have already seen these movies before, but TV sucks. So once again it looks like i will be havin a hearty meal of popcorn for supper. I love popcorn
And watching these movies.
After re-reading this, i have come to the conclusion my life sucks, yep. One day i will move out of this hick state to a place where there is actually something to do, and interesting people to meet, if i can ever overcome my shyness. Seriously, when im at a party, i tend to clam up for some reason. People always tell me how shy i am, and i dont like it.
I guess that is why i like the internet so much, and online games. Bah, im ranting now,
ps - Is it just me or does Blind Mellon's "No Rain" depress the ever living shit out of anyone else or is it just me? Ive loved the song forever, just everytime i hear it i get fucking depressed as hell. Bah!
Today i logged onto WoW and decided to level my hunter, within the first 10 min i was ganked. So i log on my pally to extract some vengance, i got zerged by many horde
So i decided to hell with playing WoW all day again, so i went out. Alas there was nothing to do. I stopped by my old job to chat with some friends, even they were talking about E3. I wish i could go, seems like it would be fun, but oh well.
So after chatting for about an hour or so, i went to find food. I stopped by some ghetto chinese fast food resturant, i felt sick even walking into that place, so i promptly left. I drove around for about 15 min looking for food, but saw nothing i wanted. I ended up just buying a bag of peanuts, yummy.
After my failure to find suitable food, i decided i would go rent some movies. There was nothing there that i desired to see, so i just grabbed 3 movies and went to pay. I have already seen these movies before, but TV sucks. So once again it looks like i will be havin a hearty meal of popcorn for supper. I love popcorn
After re-reading this, i have come to the conclusion my life sucks, yep. One day i will move out of this hick state to a place where there is actually something to do, and interesting people to meet, if i can ever overcome my shyness. Seriously, when im at a party, i tend to clam up for some reason. People always tell me how shy i am, and i dont like it.
I guess that is why i like the internet so much, and online games. Bah, im ranting now,
ps - Is it just me or does Blind Mellon's "No Rain" depress the ever living shit out of anyone else or is it just me? Ive loved the song forever, just everytime i hear it i get fucking depressed as hell. Bah!
I think most people's lives suck, I know mine does, it's just you gotta grab onto the little bits that don't and go with em.