Been a busy week....
Thursday I finally left the Army after nearly 6 1/2 years, 2 combat deployments, and 16 months of stop loss.
Some people say they are sad, scared, and alot of other emotions when they leave the gate of whatever base they are on for the last time. I didn't really feel any of those, I was driving way too fast to...
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Thursday I finally left the Army after nearly 6 1/2 years, 2 combat deployments, and 16 months of stop loss.
Some people say they are sad, scared, and alot of other emotions when they leave the gate of whatever base they are on for the last time. I didn't really feel any of those, I was driving way too fast to...
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how goes the job hunting???
Had a fantastic time at House of Blues in Myrtle Beach last night. It was my first time seeing Flogging Molly live althoug I have been a fan for years. Props to the Opening bands as well, Beat Unioa and Philidelphia, they put on a great show.
It was also the first time I have ever seen an all girl mosh pit. Fuck I love...
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It was also the first time I have ever seen an all girl mosh pit. Fuck I love...
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Thanks for the comment on my Lunch Lady set!

hi! ^^
Random Awesome Pictures
Well today was probably one of the worst days I have had in awhile. Nothing incredibly bad happened, but I felt like crap all day.
Last night I went out with a female friend of mine and her roomate to a sports bar to watch Monday Night football. It was a fantastic game, in case you missed it. Well, we ended up drinking Astropops and...
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Last night I went out with a female friend of mine and her roomate to a sports bar to watch Monday Night football. It was a fantastic game, in case you missed it. Well, we ended up drinking Astropops and...
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Thank you for the comment on my Army Wife set! I really appreciate it!!
Hope you feel better!

Hell Yes!!!!!! I just got a call from the University I applied to, I was accepted. I was worried because I never took the SATs in high school and my grades sucked my Sophmore and Junior years. Basically, I think I got in solely on my good looks....... well, probably not. I actually had two really good letters of recommendation from the officers I worked...
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thank you for commenting on my new set in member review it means alot to me. hope you are haveing a great day. lots of love
First of all thanks for the comments on my 9/11 post... it was important to bring up the police and firefighters as part of our security!!!
Congrats on school! It is expensive and I am sure you will get some $$$ from the service but there are loans (yuck, I am knee deep in them) and I would contact the school financial aid office and see if they know of any scholarships offhand and where you can look up the resources to apply for others.
Good luck and congrats.
Congrats on school! It is expensive and I am sure you will get some $$$ from the service but there are loans (yuck, I am knee deep in them) and I would contact the school financial aid office and see if they know of any scholarships offhand and where you can look up the resources to apply for others.
Good luck and congrats.
i like the first pic of you holding the gun the best.... complete turn on
hey what battalion were you part of? I was 2/504 and got english jump wings myself.