I need a female of some sort. Since returning from Iraq I have only had one serious relationship and it ended in misery because she was completely unlike me. I mean she was pissed about my tattoos... and obviously that is not cool. But anyways Im making and application for a girlfriend/cool girl to hang out with that doesnt have a douchebag boyfriend thinking Im trying to jump in on his shit. This is some cheesy shit, and 75% a joke... but alas, here it is.
1. Full legal name
2. Age
3. Height
4. Weight
5. Eye color
6. Measurements
3. Natural hair color
4. Current hair color
9. Home phone
10. Cell Phone
11. Email
12. Are you a virgin? Y N
13. If no, how many past sexual partners have you had?
14. Have you ever had a sex chan
ge? Y N
15. Do you smoke? Y N
16. Do you use any
illegal substances? Y N
17. Do you have kids? Y N
18. If yes, how many?
19. Do you workout? Y N
20. Do you currently have a source of income? Y N
21. If yes,
what is it?
22. Do you live on your own? Y N
23. If no, whom
do you currently reside with?
24. What kind of car do you drive?
25. Furthest level of edumacation (circle one): High School Some College Associate's Degree Bachelor's Degree
26. Do you have a history of mental illness? Y N
27. Favorite sport & team
28. Have you ever cheated on a boyfriend? Y N
29. Do you cook? Y N
30. Do you have any siblings? Y N
31. What is your religion?
32. What is your political persuasion
33. How many piercings (not including ears) do
you have?
34. How many tattoos do you have?
35. What is your current
favorite movie of all time?
36. List your three favorite genres of music in order of most favorite to least favorite:
37. What is your idea of a perfect date in three sentences or less?
38. Explain why I should pick you as my girlfriend in one sentence:
39. List any special skills that you may have that are relevant to this position:
40. What do you want out of a relationship, specifically one with me?
List the details of your past three relationships starting with the most recent.
Start Date: End Date:
Were you in love? Y N
Could I kick his ass? Y N
Sexually active? Y N
Reason for breakup:
Start Date: End Date:
Were you in love? Y N
Could I kick his ass? Y N
Sexually active? Y N
Reason for breakup:
Start Date: End Date:
Were you in love? Y N
Could I kick his ass? Y N
Sexually active? Y N
Reason for breakup:
1. Full legal name
2. Age
3. Height
4. Weight
5. Eye color
6. Measurements
3. Natural hair color
4. Current hair color
9. Home phone
10. Cell Phone
11. Email
12. Are you a virgin? Y N
13. If no, how many past sexual partners have you had?
14. Have you ever had a sex chan
ge? Y N
15. Do you smoke? Y N
16. Do you use any
illegal substances? Y N
17. Do you have kids? Y N
18. If yes, how many?
19. Do you workout? Y N
20. Do you currently have a source of income? Y N
21. If yes,
what is it?
22. Do you live on your own? Y N
23. If no, whom
do you currently reside with?
24. What kind of car do you drive?
25. Furthest level of edumacation (circle one): High School Some College Associate's Degree Bachelor's Degree
26. Do you have a history of mental illness? Y N
27. Favorite sport & team
28. Have you ever cheated on a boyfriend? Y N
29. Do you cook? Y N
30. Do you have any siblings? Y N
31. What is your religion?
32. What is your political persuasion
33. How many piercings (not including ears) do
you have?
34. How many tattoos do you have?
35. What is your current
favorite movie of all time?
36. List your three favorite genres of music in order of most favorite to least favorite:
37. What is your idea of a perfect date in three sentences or less?
38. Explain why I should pick you as my girlfriend in one sentence:
39. List any special skills that you may have that are relevant to this position:
40. What do you want out of a relationship, specifically one with me?
List the details of your past three relationships starting with the most recent.
Start Date: End Date:
Were you in love? Y N
Could I kick his ass? Y N
Sexually active? Y N
Reason for breakup:
Start Date: End Date:
Were you in love? Y N
Could I kick his ass? Y N
Sexually active? Y N
Reason for breakup:
Start Date: End Date:
Were you in love? Y N
Could I kick his ass? Y N
Sexually active? Y N
Reason for breakup:

wow! i'm one of your fave sgs! that rocks!!