Yay! I'm getting some new friends! Hi people! I just dyed my hair again, well actually am in the process of doing it. I can't go as drastic as I want to with it, because of my job, but this is good enough. I did/am doing the basic, black top red bottom look. I had to bleach the bottom though so the red could take, and now I'm wishing that I waited until tomorrow to do it. Oh well. Thinking next that I will just bleach the bottom, liked the way that it looked.. Would have left it bleached, 'cept, being it the first time that I have ever bleached, it was a crappy ass job. Not to mention that I didn't have enough gunk for my hair. Hopefully, it won't look crappy after I rinse this read out. Speakin of which, I need to do that now. LATER!

Back in the day I used to bleach my hair all the time and this one time I decided I needed a little change and dyed it red. It didn't come out exactly how I wanted it so I went ahead and bleached it again. I never really knew that you could actually break strands of hair in half. My hair was so fried that I ended up having to shave it all off. Needless to say I don't bleach my hair anymore.
Here's a pic with my new hair..