Just got home from the casino. It was amazing. I only lost 24 dollars!! Haha Yay!! I went out with a friend that I hadn't seen in a while. That was fun, but I realized why I never really hung out with him that much. I've known him since we were 4, so I'm kind of obligated to him in that way. I love that kid though. So, I try to call him when I get home to let him know I made it alright, and that I didn't fall asleep at the wheel-I was (am) freaking TIRED. Some random guy answers the phone and starts asking me all kinds of personal questions like he knows who the fuck I am. And telling me his name, like I'm suppose to know who the fuck HE is. Ugh. You don't ask a girl what kind of underwear she is wearing upon the first conversation, unless she gives you some indication that she wants that kind of thing. Anyway, he ended up telling me I was a rude bitch. I told him to have a good night. Sometimes, I just hate people. Not everyone, just in general. They do stupid things. And forgive me if it pisses me off and puts me in a bad mood. But someone needs to teach the damn world some fucking manners.

Nice to meet you though.