I got home today from Jacksonville, North Carolina. I was there almost a week. 5 days. The boyfriend is doing his MOS there (Marines). That town sucks. I've been twice in the past two months. They are, however, in no shortage of strip clubs and tattoo parlors. Haha. What else is there for a military man to do??
Flying was a bit of a pain in the ass. Just because of everything that has happened recently. But, it wasn't too bad, and really didn't delay me at all. Went to some town called Wilmington (I think). It was really cool. Lots of old vintage shops, and such. We ate at a sushi bar and had California rolls. Yay for California rolls. De-lish.
It was depressing coming home though. Just because I really have no idea when I will get to see Zach again. That's the worst part. Not knowing. It's a lot harder doing this whole long-distance thing than I thought it would be. Especially since we spent every damn day together for the past 2 years. That doesn't mean I am stopping though. I am not a quitter.
Believe it or not. We decided though that I will move wherever he is within a year. And I hope we follow through with that. Because sometimes I think we say things just because they sound good and because that's what we hope for. But I hope it works. Because missing someone sucks.

Nice to meet you too
Oh, and your tattoos are cute!!!!!