Hi everyone! I am sorry I've been gone for awhile. After SG changed their format I got really frustrated with it and had to take a break. I'm giving it another try. I'm still in graduate school and still a teaching assistant to undergrads. I hope to spend more time here.
I hate, Hate, HATE this new format. I can't blog the way I want to blog! I just spent over an hour trying to get the blog to do what I want and it won't. I am sooooooooooooo frustrated! I hate the frustration so much, I don't even want to blog this way. ERG! Why the f did they have to change it? GAWD! This...
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It's been a while since I have written. The semester got away from me and I had labs to grade as well as projects and exams to complete. But things are finally winding down and I'll be heading home for the holidays. I hope everyone is well and happy. I'll be glad to get home for a while and see some old friends....family too. Tis
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OK! So I don't expect everyone or even ANYone to remember all my rants and ravings. So let me just say that I have been in a really "Girly Mood" for the past few months. You know, preferring to hang with the girl friends and such. Well about two weeks ago one of my fellow TA's has been asking me out. I've been really busy...
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OK! I'm going to begin by saying that I am finding this new format to SG very hard to get used to. I can't get passed the feeling that I am missing stuff. I may be wrong, but there it. I'm trying to adapt but this is trying my patience.
Second, I've been away for a few weeks. Busy life, busy work, and just plain...
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1) Since my first pedicure (just a couple of weeks ago), I've been trying out new nail polish. Today I painted my nails a metallic royal blue. I'm not so sure of the color. It looked better in the bottle and in my imagination. What to you think? Is it too bright? (If I keep going like this, I'm going to start thinking...
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As for the other thing, I would have no clue.

can't help you on the second one.

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This pope seems like a bit of a departure, based upon what I know as a non-Catholic, from the last couple. I don't know if that's good or bad. I do like his name though...