am back from europe! god its great to be back home, but man oh man, i think i am going to move to sweden or estonia one day. am absolutly in love with those two countries.

extra bonus: brought back some absinthe. am very excited to try it out skull skull skull
gone to europe for a couple of weeks. maybe i will bring back some absinthe skull skull skull
no more summer school! the real vacation begins! skull
Am finally getting my Moog Prodigy synth back. oh happy days! biggrin
I havn'e the foggiest what that is but I'm glad you'regetting it back hehe.
last week of summer school. just gotta hang in there till weds, then its party party party until i go to russia smile

its been almost 4 months since last i had sex, or any sort of intimate physical encounter for that matter. what is it, after 6 months your virginity grows back yes? honestly, i dont think that would be so bad... bok
Oh that's just an old wives tale... *looks down* hey wait a minute... huh.... well I'll be damned....
two papers finished. life is good smile
life continues on and on, this being the crunch week of papers and appeals to the dean. already have gotten off to a slow start by sleeping in and missing my first class, but no worries. just gives me more time to finish my paper, then get ready for another one due on weds. at least i get to write about cool films smile

my old...
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never before have i put so much into school, and never before has it been so good to me. still trudging the long hike. its good to feel accomplished, even things this small.. skull
good to hear its workin' out.
good good. things are good. in fact, things are great. all my papers are finished and turned in. got a midterm to ace on monday. bought Halo for xbox and have already logged at least 20 hours in front of my TV. have gained 2 pounds of muscle, and staying fit and mean. life is picking itself back up again slowly but surely...

now just...
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Ah, you discovered my secret identity!!!
thank you!
I've decided this is gonna be the summer of me. what i am saying is that I want to focus on bettering myself in every which way. I have become the shadow of a complete stranger over the last 4 months, and I feel like i need to refresh my life. Academics need to become top priority. My body will be trained into peak physical...
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Here Here! That's good stuff! Good luck!
sigh. i know what you're saying. all my life i was pretty cavalier about school. i hated high school and vowed i would never go to college. but i'm getting older and a path would be a nice thing to be on, wouldn't it?

good luck with your summer of you.