Awaiting The Silence
As I sit In a room full of people, longing for everyone to go and leave me there standing all alone. I wonder If there will ever be a molment when I welcome those surrounding me. I feel as if my skin will catch fire if I don't run away into the shadows were no one goes. Is there a cure or some peace of mind that will free me from my mental cell which holds me captive to the thoughts that whatever touches me will bring me pain. Why do I fear the light when there is so much for me find on the other side of the walls that keep me hidden inside myself. I want to let go, stop screaming inside.I long for the pain to go away, I want to be happy again as I once was long ago. Before all of the of the noise drowned out my thoughts, and the hurt was so deep I could not break free. I await the silence and the day day my heart will heal. I have picked up the pieces and they lay in my hands. It has taken some time but someday they'll be together agian