So 2 days ago I went and got another tattoo on the back of my neck to cover up an old one. Not my most favorite spot but I really like it. I think 1 more session to finish the cover up but it looks really good so farmiao!!
Well It's been a while but I always come back. Lots of new tattoos. to share. be putting up more pictures soon. kiss
Well I'm back. I missed all the hot women of SG, and all my friends of course.
kisses to everyone kiss kiss kiss kiss
Fuck, your birthday was on the 10th? Wtf....I thought it was next weekend.... sorry poopy.

Happy Birthday!

Merry Christmas!!
Well it has been a long while since the last blog.
But here it goes.
So I made a few changes in my life as of lately I decided to make the jump and take off for Vegas for a while.
It's been pretty crazy as of lately. I just wish I could figure out what I'm going to do next. I really want to...
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I hope you have a good time in Vegas smile
Fuck I don't know how to start

about five years ago I this scrony little 17 year old kid named Jason. At times he bugged the hell out of me. But I grew to love his annoying ways. And he became like a little brother to me. I went through some crazy drunken times with him.
We partied together, I got stone for the first...
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Sorry to hear about your friend. I had a good friend of mine die tragically a year ago and it was very sad because I also hadn't had contact with him because he was heavily into drinking and drugs and I couldn't be around him because I was on the wagon. I don't think anybody could have stopped him from drinking himself to death, but I wish I had spent more time before he past.
So ah yeah,
Just been hanging out at home, working, nothing to exciting lately.
Good news this week, they made me full time at work. That kinda sucks though because now I'm not going to get any sleep.
Bad news this week, I just found out that my ex best friend is marrying the guy I was Kinda "doing something with, can't really call it...
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So hey whats up everyone been hiding out for while. Just trying to keep out of trouble I guess.
I went out on Saturday night and got pretty drunk
Probley because my ex was there with his wife and I was just little uncomfortalbe because we both still really like each other. But I did behave myself no matter how badly I wanted to sit...
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Sayin what's up. I guess your my one and only friend around here. Now I'll have to come up with more than just random b.s. for posts. Have a good Memorial Day and remember boose and ex's don't mix. See ya round doll.

Have to agree with Lucky17alcohol and ex's don't mix well but being on good terms is a lot better than wanting to eviscerate each other whenever you cross paths.
Well The time as Come for me to move Again.
I think I'm turning into my mom when it comes to not being able to stay in one place for more then six months at a time.
But i kinda need to move because I'm having some problems at my apartment.

But the house I 'm moving to is bad ass. And i actually think...
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Good luck with your move!
So you're moving huh bet that's fun and quite stressful too I imagine, let me know how things work out okay. I'm fine same old, same old really although I'm going to be learning to drive shortly so that's kinda freaking me out a little, it's strangely grown up for me. Anyways get back to you later.
Andy smile smile smile
Well just though I'd stop into say hi again, and to let all my friends know Everythings good with me.
And yes sometimes I write kinda sad stuff but thats just the way I release all the troubles in my head.
I'm pretty happy right know with everything swinging around me right now. And I wish all of my SG friends are just as happy...
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write away, for me its my art. We all need to release it in some form. Im happy for you that everything is going well in your life smile
How's things? hit me back and fill me in.

Awaiting The Silence

As I sit In a room full of people, longing for everyone to go and leave me there standing all alone. I wonder If there will ever be a molment when I welcome those surrounding me. I feel as if my skin will catch fire if I don't run away into the shadows were no one goes. Is there...
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